Isabel Mahmoud

political sciences conference

Isabel Mahmoud

Isabel Mahmoud is a PhD in Social Sciences candidate and a lecturer of Game Theory and International Relations at the University of Carlos III, Madrid. Ex-post graduating as the top of her class at London School of Economics and Political Sciences, she moved to Spain where she earned 2 masters in Economics and Finance, and Social Sciences with concentration in Political Sciences. Her research interests are quite diverse and primarily lie at the intersection of economics, political sciences, sociology, and psychology. In broad terms, she is interested in political economics, behavioural economics, economic sociology, social stratification, social psychology, theoretical and applied game theory, and applied micro-econometrics. More specifically, her current work-in-progress tackles the interplay between the demand for and supply of the far-right populist parties in Europe, the interplay between regional-level and national-level politics, social norms and political beliefs’ building and updating processes, and the role of media in shaping both, and multiple identities and intersectionality, the determinants and consequences of discrepancies between perceived and actual levels of discrimination, and their impact on political behaviour.

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